匠人学院终止与Michael Li合同的通告



匠人学院终止与Michael Li合同的通告




澳洲匠人学院JR Academy Pty Ltd(以下简称“匠人”)于2019年11月14日与莫纳什(Monash)大学Tutor,Michael Li签订了合作协议,由他提供大学辅导的服务给匠人。


然而,截止至2020年5月14日,匠人收到学生对于Michael Li的投诉多条,并且在与学生的交流中发现Michael Li严重违反了签订合同中的行为准则,严重影响了匠人的公司的声誉以及服务质量,给学生和匠人的工作人员带来了困扰。


以下是学生们对 Michael Li的投诉反馈总结:

  1. 老师课程安排不合理,学生报了16小时,老师在某个周六8小时连续上课,导致学生接受不了,选择停止辅导;
  2. 讲课前多次不备课,导致其中学生听着很困惑,直接叫停上课,选择自学;
  3. 经客服再三和老师确认,老师自己确定自己可以带课,但是老师除了上课不备课外,上课期间去问学生他自己不懂的操作,或者自己利用给学生上课的时间去查资料解决自己不会的问题,完成的教学完全不符合课题要求;
  4. 不会教学,没有教学生解题方法,没有审查学生所做的代码,并且不告知学生是否正确,只是自己在写;
  5. 对于学生完成的作业,没有认真审阅,只是随口说两句,并且老师教给学生的东西完全不能用;
  6. 私下收取学生200aud(如下图)帮学生写作业,结果写的东西完全不能用。私下收学生这一点违反了匠人合同规定,并且匠人多次严厉提醒各个tutor,禁止帮学生写作业。
  7. 课程未上完,就多次着急提出要先拿一部分工资,在和老师解释我们付工资的流程以及规定后,老师仍态度恶略,歪曲事实,和客服进行争吵,企图对匠人诽谤,扬言要以自己在Monash大学担任tutor的名分,联合他认识的其他人,破坏匠人名声;
  8. 在其中一次学生因老师没有备课,讲课讲不清而选择停止上课,但老师并未及时说明,反而在事后推卸责任,指责完全是学生的问题,并且要求匠人支付所有课时费用,包括学生未上的课时。


由于Michael Li对匠人造成的负面影响恶劣,在多次交涉无果的情况下,由公司管理层一致决定终止与Michael Li的合同,并解除其作为匠人Tutor的合作关系,特此通告。




Announcement of Terminating the Contract with Michael Li


JR Academy Pty Ltd guarantees that there is no false record, misleading statement or major omission in the content of this announcement.


JR Academy Pty Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "JR Academy") signed an agreement with Michael Li, a tutor of Monash University on November 14 2019, and he would provide tutorial services to students of JR Academy.


However, as of May 14, 2020, JR Academy has received various complaints from students about Michael Li, and in the follow-up conversations with the students, it was found that Michael Li seriously violated the code of conduct in the signed contract, which seriously affected the reputation of JR Academy and the quality of service; Michael Li has also caused problems for students and employees of JR Academy.


The following is a summary of students ’complaints about Michael Li ’s behaviours:

  1. The course arrangement is unreasonable. The student purchased a 16-hour session, and Michael Li arranged an 8-hour session on a Saturday; the student found it unacceptable and decided to drop out of this tutorial session;
  2. Repeat failures to prepare for lessons before tutorial sessions, which caused students to be confused and choose self-study;
  3. After the customer service has repeatedly confirmed with the teacher, Michael Li himself determined that he can take this course. But in addition to not preparing for the tutorials, Michael Li failed to meet the requirements of the teaching, caused students to be dissatisfied with the course;
  4. Minimum teaching is achieved in his tutorials as he did not show the steps or approaches to solve a problem;
  5. There is no serious review of the homework completed by the students, and JR Academy has received negative feedback on the content of his tutorials;
  6. Privately charged the student $200 AUD as remuneration of writing the student’s homework. JR Academy has repeatedly reminded each tutor that writing students’ homework for them is prohibited, and Michael Li violates the Code of Conduct of the contract;
  7. Before finishing the course, Michael Li repeatedly urged to collect a part of his payment first. After explaining to him the process and regulations of JR Academy’s salary payment, Michael Li started a quarrel with JR Academy’s customer service member in a bad attitude, and attempted to distort the fact to defame JR Academy;
  8. A student dropped out of Michael Li’s tutorial because of his lack of preparation and clarity during his sessions. However, Michael Li did not report this situation in time, and tried to blame on the student for not continuing his tutorials afterwards. In this incident, Michael Li demanded JR Academy to pay him in full, including the payment of unfulfilled tutorial sessions.


Due to the negative impact of Michael Li on the JR Academy, in the case of repeated negotiations without results, the company management unanimously decided to terminate the contract with Michael Li and cease its cooperative relationship as a tutor.



start2025/10/09 08:22 (Sydney)


start2025/03/15 06:13 (Sydney)


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