

DevOps Bootcamp

Engage in a variety of hands-on courses and projects to gain practical experience and rapidly master the core skills of DevOps

Get In-Depth Insights into Our Business-Oriented DevOps Bootcamp

Elevate Your DevOps Skills from Basic Knowledge to a Starting Salary of $100K+

Next Bootcamp: June 16th, 2024 - Join the On-Site Class and Elevate Your Skills! Act Now to Secure Early Bird Pricing Before It Ends!

featureReal-world Projects
featureCollaborate with Full-Stack Engineers on a Specialized Project
feature Direct Job Recommendations from Major Corporations
feature Industry Professionals Conducting the Training
featureReal-world Projects
featureCollaborate with Full-Stack Engineers on a Specialized Project
feature Direct Job Recommendations from Major Corporations
feature Industry Professionals Conducting the Training


    DevOps Motivation
    Introduction to DevOps, WebApp, and Cloud Concepts

    Welcome to our exciting journey into the world of DevOps and Cloud Computing! In this first lecture, we'll set the stage for an amazing learning experience. Let's dive into what you can expect:

    1. Course Overview and Instructor Introduction Get ready to embark on a transformative learning experience! Discover the course structure, what you can expect to learn, and meet our top-tier instructor with a wealth of industry experience.
    2. Enhancing Your Resume with Three Exciting Projects Buckle up for a hands-on adventure! You'll have the opportunity to work on three thrilling projects that will not only boost your skills but also supercharge your resume.
    3. Delving into DevOps Uncover the secrets of DevOps – from its core concepts to the various career paths available, growth opportunities, and those enticing salary prospects.
    4. The DevOps Cycle in Web App Development and Operations Ever wondered how Web Apps are brought to life and kept running smoothly? Dive into the heart of the DevOps cycle and explore its vital role in Web App development and maintenance.
    5. Exploring Cloud Application Components Let's break down the cloud jargon! Understand the purpose and power of key components like DNS, CDN, front-end, back-end, load balancing, reverse proxies, cloud computing, distributed memory object caching systems, databases, message queues, and essential network security concepts.
    6. Demystifying Web App Architecture Unravel the mysteries of Web App architecture, from the front-end to the back-end, and the essential cloud components needed to bring it all together.
    7. Building Your First Cloud-Based Web App Ready to put your knowledge into practice? We'll guide you through the basics of architecting a Web App in the cloud, setting the stage for your future projects.
    8. Mastering Docker Compose for Nginx Load Balancing Get hands-on with Docker Compose and learn how to configure a basic Nginx load balancer – a fundamental skill for modern DevOps professionals.

    This first lecture is just the beginning of an exhilarating journey that combines theory and practical experience to provide you with a solid foundation in DevOps and cloud computing. Get ready to learn, build, and elevate your career prospects in the most exciting way possible!

    Building Your First Globally Available Website

    Welcome back! In this second lecture, we will delve into exciting topics while fostering a culture of teamwork and efficient learning. Here's what we'll cover today:

    1. Building Connections and Learning Culture Amongst Peers We're creating a fun, interactive, and supportive learning community! Connect with your fellow classmates, understand the rules of engagement, and discover effective study habits as we learn and grow together.
    2. Successfully Setting Up Development Environments Let's take the crucial first step to success! Learn how to set up your development environment smoothly, preparing you for the practical exercises and projects ahead.
    3. Deep Dive into DNS (Route 53) Configuration Shine on the stage of website accessibility! Explore DNS (Route 53) configuration and its pivotal role in ensuring website accessibility.
    4. Understanding the Difference Between A Records and CName Records A Records? CName Records? No more confusion! We'll clarify the distinctions and purposes of these records.
    5. Mastering Hosting Static Websites on AWS S3 Put your website in the cloud! Learn how to host static websites on AWS S3 and enhance global accessibility with a CDN (AWS CloudFront).
    6. Exploring the Differences Between HTTP and HTTPS In the realm of web security, understand the significance of HTTP versus HTTPS. We'll also teach you how to configure simple SSL/TLS certificates to ensure your website's security.
    7. Recognising Scalability Challenges and the Role of DevOps Explore scalability challenges that can arise in manual website management and the crucial role of DevOps in addressing these challenges. We'll guide you into the world of DevOps, paving the way for your career journey.

    This second lecture will further deepen your understanding of the DevOps and cloud computing domains while nurturing a culture of collaboration and enjoyable learning. Get ready to explore with us!

    DevOps Git & Agile
    Version Control with Git

    Welcome to the exhilarating world of Git! In this third lecture, we're diving into a topic that's absolutely essential for any aspiring DevOps professional. Get ready for an engaging learning experience:

    1. Unraveling the History and Significance of Git in Version Control Let's step back in time and discover the fascinating history and incredible importance of Git in the world of version control.
    2. Mastering Git Concepts: Repositories, Branches, Remote Repositories, and Merging Buckle up as we demystify Git! You'll gain a solid understanding of key Git concepts, from repositories to branches, remote repositories, and the art of merging.
    3. Putting Git into Action in Real-World Scenarios It's time to roll up your sleeves and dive into real-world Git scenarios! Learn how to use Git in practical situations, including feature branching and the essential practice of code review.
    4. Discovering Best Practices and Advanced Techniques Elevate your Git game with best practices and advanced tricks! We'll unveil the secrets of effective Git usage and share tips to make you a Git guru.
    5. Hands-On Experience Through Practical Exercises Theory is great, but practice makes perfect! Get your hands dirty with real Git exercises that will give you the practical experience you need.

    This training equips our students with a rock-solid foundation in Git, empowering them to wield this powerful version control tool with confidence and professionalism in software development projects.

    Get ready to embark on a Git adventure that will not only enhance your skills but also add a touch of excitement to your DevOps journey!

    Agile Methodology in DevOps

    Welcome to the exciting fourth lecture! In this session, we will delve into the world of Agile development, a crucial knowledge base for anyone aspiring to become a DevOps professional. Let's explore and inject some fun into it:

    1. Exploring the Core Principles and Values of Agile Methodology Let's uncover the core principles and invaluable values of Agile methodology that will serve as your inspiration in software development.
    2. Getting Acquainted with Key Agile Practices We will take a deep dive into key Agile practices, including how to write user stories, run backlog grooming meetings, sprint planning, daily standups, and sprint retrospectives.
    3. Understanding Roles in Agile Development We will introduce the indispensable roles in Agile development, including the Product Owner, Team Lead or Scrum Master, development team members, and stakeholders.
    4. Mastering the Art of Writing Stories, Epics, and Tasks Learn the art of crafting user stories, epics, and tasks, a vital aspect of project management.
    5. The Perfect Blend: Agile Development and DevOps Witness how Agile development and DevOps seamlessly integrate, enhancing the efficiency of software application development and deployment. Your projects are about to take flight!
    6. Hands-On Mastery of Agile Tools It's not just theory; practice is equally important! Gain hands-on experience with Agile tools and understand their role in project management.
    7. Applying Agile Concepts to Real DevOps Cases Through Team Activities Through team activities, we'll apply Agile concepts to real DevOps case studies, reinforcing your understanding of Agile practices and teamwork.
    8. Deconstructing a Real DevOps Case We'll divide you into small groups, assign lab tasks, and guide you in breaking down a real DevOps case through Agile development practices. Efficient Agile meetings will be your secret weapon in this journey.

    This fourth lecture will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Agile development while making the learning process interactive and enjoyable. Get ready to engage in this knowledge feast, where learning becomes vibrant and fun!

    DevOps Containerisation
    Containerisation with Docker

    Welcome to the thrilling fifth lecture! In this session, we're diving headfirst into the fascinating world of Docker. As a DevOps enthusiast, you're about to embark on an exciting journey. Let's make learning Docker not just educational but also incredibly enjoyable:

    1. Grasping the Concept, Architecture, and Advantages of Docker Get ready to unwrap the magic of Docker! Understand the concept, architecture, and the incredible advantages that Docker brings to the table.
    2. Becoming Familiar with Essential Docker CLI and Container Management We'll take you through the Docker command-line interface (CLI) and show you how to create and manage containers. Say hello to your trusty Docker CLI Cheatsheet!
    3. Mastering the Art of Crafting Dockerfiles and Docker Compose Files Learn the art of Dockerfile and Docker Compose file creation. These will be your tools to define container images and orchestrate multi-container applications.
    4. Demystifying Docker Registries and Image Push-Pull Understand the role of Docker Registries and discover how to push and pull Docker images. It's all about managing your container images like a pro!
    5. Embracing Docker Security Principles Security is paramount! Dive into the basics of Docker security principles and arm yourself with the Docker Security Cheat Sheet.
    6. Getting Ready to Apply Docker Knowledge for DevOps Optimisation Gear up to apply your Docker knowledge for streamlining DevOps workflows and enhancing application deployments. Docker is your secret weapon in this DevOps adventure!

    Get ready for an engaging and hands-on exploration of Docker. We're not just teaching Docker; we're unleashing its power to revolutionise your DevOps journey. Learning has never been this fun, and Docker has never been this exciting!

    DevOps CI/CD
    Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

    Welcome to the exciting sixth lecture! In this session, we will delve deep into Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) and how they serve as powerful tools to address company challenges. As a DevOps student, you are embarking on an exhilarating, attractive, and fun learning journey:

    1. In-Depth Exploration of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Concepts Let's delve into the concepts of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery and understand how they can be the solutions to various company challenges.
    2. Understanding the Fundamental Principles and Stages of the DevOps Cycle Master the essential principles and indispensable stages of the DevOps cycle. These will be your guiding lights on your DevOps journey.
    3. Exploring the Lifecycle of a Web App Feature Gain insights into the lifecycle of a web app feature, from design and development to testing, deployment, and monitoring. Understand the programmer's role at each stage.
    4. Recognising the Importance of Automation, Monitoring, and Continuous Feedback Develop a profound understanding of the critical roles played by automation, monitoring, and continuous feedback in the DevOps cycle. Learn the best practices.
    5. Understanding the Role of Linting, Vulnerability Scans, Testing (Unit, Integration, Smoke, Performance, UAT) in CI/CD We'll uncover the roles and significance of various practices such as linting, vulnerability scanning, unit testing, integration testing, smoke testing, performance testing, and user acceptance testing in the CI/CD pipeline.
    6. Exploring Multi-Stage, Multi-Environment Rollouts Get a clear understanding of multi-stage, multi-environment rollouts and elucidate the functions and purposes of each stage and environment.
    7. Gaining Practical Experience in Setting Up CI/CD Workflows and Deploying Web Apps Prepare to gain hands-on experience in setting up Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery workflows and deploying web applications. It's time for some real-world action!
    8. Getting Familiar with the Practical Deployment Process Using GitHub Actions to AWS Elastic Beanstalk Dive deep into the practical process of deploying applications to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using GitHub Actions, and master the tricks of the trade.

    This lecture will equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to apply DevOps and CI/CD principles in real-world software development projects. Get ready to enjoy your DevOps journey where learning is not just educational but also incredibly, real, enjoyable and fun!

    Jenkins CI/CD case study - I

    Welcome to the dynamic seventh lecture! In this session, we're diving into the fundamental principles of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD), and we're going to make learning about Jenkins, a key CI/CD tool, an engaging and enjoyable experience. This lecture is all about empowering you with practical knowledge and skills:

    1. Grasping the Fundamentals of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) Let's start with the basics! We'll explore the core principles behind Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment and see how they can supercharge your DevOps journey.
    2. Getting Familiar with Jenkins as a CI/CD Tool and Its Key Concepts Jenkins is our trusty sidekick in the world of CI/CD! Get to know Jenkins inside out, from its core concepts to its practical applications.
    3. Discovering the Magic of Installing and Launching Jenkins Ready to roll up your sleeves? We'll guide you through the installation and launch of Jenkins, turning you into a Jenkins wizard in no time!
    4. Setting Up Jenkins and Crafting Your First Jenkins Job It's time to build! Learn how to configure Jenkins, set up your Jenkins server, and create your very first Jenkins job. Get ready to automate your workflows!
    5. Configuring Jenkins Servers and Agents Jenkins doesn't work alone! Understand the importance of configuring Jenkins servers and agents for optimal performance.
    6. Unraveling the Mystery of Webhooks and Triggering Jenkins Jobs What's a Webhook, you ask? We'll demystify it and show you how to use Webhooks to trigger Jenkins jobs. It's like magic for automation!
    7. Installing and Configuring the Kubernetes Plugin Dive into the world of Kubernetes with the Kubernetes plugin. Learn how to install and configure it for seamless integration with Jenkins.
    8. Mastering Jenkins Credentials and Account Management Last but not least, become a pro at configuring Jenkins credentials and managing accounts. Your Jenkins journey is about to reach new heights!

    Get ready for a captivating and fun-filled learning experience. We're here to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to thrive in the world of CI/CD and Jenkins. Learning has never been this exciting, and Jenkins has never been this approachable! Your DevOps adventure continues with a bang!

    Jenkins CI/CD case study - II

    Welcome to the captivating eighth lecture! In this session, we're going to embark on an exciting journey through the realm of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) tools. We'll compare three popular tools, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, and Bitbucket Pipeline, weighing their pros and cons. You, our brilliant students, will learn how to choose the tool that best suits your needs. But that's just the beginning:

    1. Comparing the Big Three: GitHub Actions, Jenkins, and Bitbucket Pipeline Let's dive into the world of CI/CD tools and compare the heavyweights: GitHub Actions, Jenkins, and Bitbucket Pipeline. We'll weigh their strengths and weaknesses and help you decide which one aligns with your goals.
    2. Unpacking the Magic of Jenkins in CI/CD Jenkins is a CI/CD powerhouse! We'll explore its crucial role in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, demystifying its inner workings.
    3. Understanding Jenkins Pipeline Concepts and Crafting Simple Pipeline Scripts The magic of Jenkins lies in its pipelines! Learn the concept of Jenkins Pipeline and craft your very own pipeline scripts. Automation is your superpower!
    4. Visualizing Jenkins Pipelines with Blue Ocean Let's make Jenkins pipelines come alive with Blue Ocean, a visual delight! You'll learn how to turn your pipelines into works of art.
    5. Mastering Multi-Branch Pipelines with Jenkins Jenkins isn't just about one branch; it's about many! Discover how to implement multi-branch pipelines like a pro.
    6. Delving into Jenkins Security Configurations Security is paramount! Understand the ins and outs of Jenkins security configurations to keep your projects safe and sound.
    7. Integrating Jenkins with Azure Services for CI/CD The cloud beckons! Learn how to seamlessly integrate Jenkins with Azure services for your CI/CD needs.
    8. Hands-On Experience: Creating and Running Jenkins Pipelines to Deploy Applications to Azure It's time to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. Gain practical experience in creating and running Jenkins pipelines to deploy applications on Azure.
    9. Common CI/CD Testing and Commercial Website Testing Scenarios Testing is key! Explore common CI/CD testing practices and delve into testing scenarios commonly encountered in commercial websites.

    Get ready for an engaging and fun-filled learning experience that will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to conquer the world of CI/CD and Jenkins. Learning has never been this exciting, and your DevOps journey is about to reach new heights!

    Github Actions CI/CD case study - II

    Welcome to the exciting ninth lecture! In this session, we're going to explore some fundamental concepts that are essential in the world of DevOps and cloud deployment. Get ready for an engaging and fun learning experience as we delve into various topics:

    1. Embracing the Basics: Kubernetes, Container Registry, NoSQL DB, and Monitoring Software Let's start with the fundamentals! We'll dive into essential concepts like Kubernetes, Container Registry, NoSQL Databases, and Monitoring Software to lay a strong foundation for your DevOps journey.
    2. Unlocking the Power of GitHub Actions in Continuous Deployment (CD) GitHub Actions is our secret weapon for Continuous Deployment! Discover the magic of CD instructions in GitHub Actions and see how they can streamline your deployment process.
    3. Getting Acquainted with Security Deployment Strategies Security is paramount! Learn about security deployment strategies that will safeguard your applications and data.
    4. Understanding Rollback Strategies Mistakes happen, but knowing how to roll back is crucial! Understand rollback strategies that allow you to gracefully recover from unexpected issues.
    5. Creating Deployment Environments on Azure Azure is your playground! Learn how to create deployment environments on Azure, and practice real deployment scenarios using ACS (Azure Container Service) and AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service).
    6. Mastering Cloud CI/CD Monitoring with Grafana Keep an eye on everything! Configure Grafana to monitor your cloud deployments and gain insights into their performance.

    Get ready to embark on a journey that will enhance your DevOps knowledge and skills. Learning has never been this exciting, and the world of DevOps and cloud deployment is yours to conquer! Let's make this learning adventure a memorable one.

    DevOps System Engineering
    Introduction to Linux

    Welcome to the thrilling tenth lecture! In this course, we're going to take you on a fascinating journey into the world of Linux operating systems and Bash script writing. Get ready for an engaging and enjoyable learning experience as we delve into various topics:

    1. Mastering the Fundamentals of the Linux Operating System Let's start from the basics! We'll provide you with an understanding of the fundamental principles of the Linux operating system, giving you a solid foundation for efficient work in a Linux environment.
    2. Effortlessly Navigate the Linux File System and Manage Files and Directories You'll proficiently explore the Linux file system, easily managing files and directories, becoming a master of the Linux environment.
    3. Seamlessly Use the Bash Shell for Command Execution and Text Processing The Bash shell will become your trusted ally! Learn to use the Bash shell for basic command execution and text processing, making your work more convenient.
    4. Create and Execute Bash Scripts for Automation and Scripting Tasks No more manual operations! Discover how to create and execute Bash scripts, automating and scripting everyday tasks to boost your productivity.
    5. Dive into Advanced Bash Concepts Step into the advanced realm! Master advanced Bash concepts like conditional statements, loops, error handling, and functions, expanding the possibilities of your scriptwriting.
    6. Mastery of Best Practices for Writing Efficient and Maintainable Bash Scripts You'll learn to write efficient and easily maintainable Bash scripts, ensuring your scripts are not only powerful but also easy to manage.

    This course will provide you with a solid foundation in Linux operating systems and Bash script writing, allowing you to navigate the Linux environment with ease and effortlessly automate common tasks using Bash scripts. Learning has never been this exciting, making Linux and Bash your powerful tools for more efficient and enjoyable work!

    Serverless and AWS SDK

    Welcome to the eleventh lecture, where we're going to dive into the exciting realms of Functional Programming, Serverless computing, and the powerful world of AWS (Amazon Web Services). Get ready for an exhilarating learning adventure filled with fun and discovery as we explore the following topics:

    1. Grasping the Essentials of Functional Programming and Serverless We'll kick things off with a solid understanding of Functional Programming and Serverless computing. These are the building blocks of modern cloud-based development.
    2. Mastery of AWS CLI for Interaction with AWS Resources We'll turn you into an AWS CLI wizard! Learn to navigate and interact with various AWS resources using the AWS Command Line Interface.
    3. Unleashing the Potential with AWS SDK for Python Let's lay the foundation for automation! Discover the power of the AWS SDK for Python and how it can supercharge your automation efforts.
    4. Developing and Deploying AWS Lambda Functions Serverless at its best! Understand how to develop and deploy AWS Lambda functions, the heart of serverless computing.
    5. Cracking the Code of AWS Automation Tasks and Infrastructure Basics Dive into the world of AWS automation tasks and foundational infrastructure knowledge. We'll unravel the mysteries of automating AWS.
    6. Mastering the Use of AWS Resources in a DevOps Environment Gain the knowledge and skills to wield AWS resources within a DevOps environment. You'll be equipped to take on real-world DevOps challenges.

    Prepare to embark on a journey that will equip you with essential knowledge and skills in Functional Programming, Serverless computing, and AWS. Learning has never been this exhilarating, and the world of DevOps and cloud computing is yours to conquer! Let's make this learning adventure unforgettable.

    DevOps Infrastructure as Code
    Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform

    Welcome to the twelfth lecture of our exciting journey! In this course, we're going to explore the fascinating world of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Configuration Management. Get ready for a thrilling and enjoyable learning experience as we dive into the following topics:

    1. Distinguishing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) from Configuration Management Let's begin by understanding the key differences between Infrastructure as Code and Configuration Management. These are the cornerstones of modern DevOps practices.
    2. Mastering the Fundamentals of Terraform Terraform is our magic wand for Infrastructure as Code! Discover the core principles of Terraform and unlock its incredible potential.
    3. Hands-on Experience with Terraform for Creating, Configuring, and Managing Infrastructure Resources Theory meets practice! You'll become proficient in using Terraform to create, configure, and manage various infrastructure resources.
    4. Deploying VPCs, EC2 Instances, and Related Network Components with Terraform Let's roll up our sleeves and deploy some real infrastructure! Learn how to use Terraform to deploy VPCs, EC2 instances, and their related network components, all in the right order.
    5. Mastering the Art of Team Collaboration Collaboration is key in DevOps! We'll explore essential concepts for team collaboration, including state management and remote state storage.
    6. Navigating Advanced Terraform Topics: Variables, Modules, and Providers Elevate your Terraform skills! Become familiar with advanced topics such as variables, modules, and providers, unlocking the full potential of Terraform.

    This course will equip you with a solid foundation in Terraform, empowering you to automate infrastructure deployment and collaborate effectively in a team environment. Learning has never been this exhilarating, and the world of DevOps and IaC is yours to conquer! Let's embark on this journey together and make it a memorable one.

    Configuration Management (CM) with Ansible & Packer

    Welcome to the thrilling thirteenth lecture of our journey! In this course, we will explore the world of configuration management, understanding the fundamental concepts and methodologies. Additionally, we'll compare the four major configuration management tools: Ansible, Chef, SaltStack, and Puppet. Get ready for an exciting learning adventure filled with fun and discoveries as we delve into the following topics:

    1. Exploring the Basics of Configuration Management Let's start by understanding the fundamental concepts and methodologies of configuration management. This is an essential part of modern DevOps practices.
    2. Comparing the Four Major Configuration Management Tools We'll compare the four major configuration management tools: Ansible, Chef, SaltStack, and Puppet. Learn about their strengths and weaknesses to choose the right tool for your needs.
    3. Understanding Trends in Configuration Management Technologies We'll delve into the trends in configuration management technologies, including immutable infrastructure and containerisation. These are the directions for the future.
    4. Mastering the Fundamentals of Ansible Ansible is our magical tool! Understand the core principles of Ansible and how to use it for configuration management and automation.
    5. Creating and Running Ansible Playbooks Theory meets practice! You'll be able to create and run Ansible playbooks to manage the configuration of remote hosts.
    6. Managing Web App and Database Configurations on AWS EC2 Instances with Ansible Learn how to use Ansible to Web App and Database Configurations on AWS EC2 instances, bringing configuration management to the cloud.
    7. Mastery of Advanced Ansible Topics Dive deep into advanced Ansible topics, including roles, variables, templates, and error handling, enhancing your configuration management skills.
    8. Hands-on Experience with Packer Through Project Labs We'll explore Packer through hands-on project labs. Packer is a powerful image-building tool that will enhance your DevOps workflow.

    This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to automate configuration management tasks using Ansible and apply them to real-world scenarios, including managing EC2 instances created with Terraform. Learning has never been this exciting, and the worlds of DevOps and configuration management are waiting for your conquest! Let's embark on this journey together and make it an unforgettable experience.

    DevOps Monitoring and Logging
    Monitoring in DevOps - I

    Welcome to the fourteenth lecture of our captivating journey! In this course, we're diving deep into the fascinating world of metric monitoring. You'll not only grasp the fundamental principles of metric monitoring but also understand its paramount importance in the cloud environment. Get ready for an engaging and enlightening learning experience as we explore the following topics:

    1. Understanding the Basics of Metric Monitoring Let's start by unraveling the fundamental principles of metric monitoring and why metrics are crucial in the cloud environment.
    2. Familiarising Yourself with Different Types of Metrics and Their Uses Metrics come in various flavours! Become acquainted with different types of metrics and how they are used in diverse scenarios.
    3. Hands-on Experience in Configuring and Customising Metrics in a Web Application Theory meets practice! You'll get practical insights into configuring and customising metrics within a web application.
    4. Exploring Time Series Database Prometheus for Metric Collection and Queries Enter the world of Prometheus! Learn how to collect and query metrics using this powerful time series database.
    5. Understanding the Limitations of Prometheus-client and the Role of StatsD Every tool has its limits! Gain practical knowledge about the limitations of Prometheus-client and discover the role of StatsD.
    6. Practical Insights into Collecting Custom Metrics from Applications Using StatsD Dive into practical applications! Learn how to collect custom metrics from your applications using StatsD.
    7. Learning Monitoring Fundamentals Expand your horizons! Discover monitoring fundamentals, including blackbox monitoring, whitebox monitoring, interview strategies, and problem-solving approaches you can apply at work.

    This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills required to effectively monitor and visualise metrics using popular tools like Prometheus, StatsD, and Grafana. Learning has never been this captivating, and the world of metric monitoring is yours to explore! Let's embark on this journey together and make it an unforgettable experience.

    Monitoring and Alerting in DevOps - II

    Welcome to the thrilling fifteenth lecture of our journey! In this course, we are diving deep into the concepts and principles of SRE Golden Signals. We'll understand common methods and concepts for troubleshooting, and we'll learn how to create and customize dashboards in Grafana to visualise application and system metrics. Get ready for an engaging and enlightening learning experience as we explore the following topics:

    1. Understanding the Concepts and Principles of SRE Golden Signals We'll delve into the concepts and principles of SRE Golden Signals, learning how to use these signals to monitor the health and performance of systems.
    2. Mastering Common Methods and Concepts for Troubleshooting Errors happen, but we'll learn how to effectively troubleshoot them and resolve issues promptly.
    3. Learning to Create and Customise Dashboards in Grafana Grafana is our magical tool! You'll learn how to create and customise dashboards to visually represent application and system metrics.
    4. Managing Grafana Dashboards with Terraform Master Terraform, enabling you to effortlessly manage Grafana dashboards.
    5. Practical Insights into Setting Alerts Alerts are crucial! We'll practice setting up alerts to take action promptly when issues arise.
    6. Integrating Grafana with Opsgenie Alerting Software We'll learn how to integrate Grafana with Opsgenie alerting software using URLs and API tokens, ensuring you receive alert notifications at critical moments.
    7. API Testing with the Locust Traffic Generator We'll configure the Locust Traffic Generator to simulate requests to a faulty API and trigger alerts, improving system availability.
    8. In-Depth Understanding of Incident Response Incident response is a critical aspect! We'll delve into how to respond to various emergency situations, ensuring system stability.
    9. Mastering Best Practices for Extending and Troubleshooting Metric Monitoring Solutions Finally, we'll learn best practices for extending and troubleshooting metric monitoring solutions, ensuring high system availability.

    This course will provide you with a broad range of knowledge and skills, allowing you to monitor, troubleshoot issues, and effectively respond to various situations. Learning has never been this exciting, and the realms of SRE and monitoring are waiting for your exploration! Let's embark on this journey together and make it a fun and rewarding experience.


    Welcome to our exciting nineteenth lecture! In this course, we will delve into the fundamentals of logging and its importance in application monitoring. You'll master key components like the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) and Filebeat, and explore the following exhilarating topics:

    1. Understanding the Basics of Logging and its Significance in Application Monitoring We'll unveil the core principles of logging and its crucial role in application monitoring.
    2. Differentiating Metric Monitoring from Log Monitoring We'll take a deep dive into comparing the differences and commonalities between metric monitoring and log monitoring, providing you with a broader view of monitoring.
    3. Setting up and Configuring the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) and Filebeat Hands-on experience awaits! You'll launch and configure the ELK stack and Filebeat, preparing to explore the fascinating world of logging.
    4. Getting Familiar with ELK Stack and Filebeat as Log Components We'll thoroughly examine each component of the ELK stack and Filebeat's critical role in log processing.
    5. Learning How to Use ELK for Log Viewing and Analysis Master the skills to use the ELK stack for log viewing, analysis, and visualisation, gaining deeper insights into your application's performance.
    6. Learning How to Configure Filebeat for Log Collection and Forwarding You'll learn how to configure Filebeat for efficient log collection and transmission.
    7. Exploring the Role of Indexing and How to Create Indices Understand the importance of indexing and learn how to create and manage indices for better organisation and retrieval of log data.
    8. Practical Experience: Setting up Logging and Visualisation for a Web Application Through hands-on exercises, we'll build a web application for logging and visualise log data in Kibana.
    9. Exploring Advanced Topics Dive into advanced topics including log indexing, retention policies, security, and best practices, becoming a log management expert.

    This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to set up and manage log solutions using the ELK stack and Filebeat, and the opportunity to apply this knowledge to real-world scenarios. Learning has never been this exciting, so let's explore the wonders of the logging world together!

    DevOps Kubernetes & Orchestration
    Orchestration and Kubernetes

    Welcome to the sixteenth exciting lecture of our journey! In this course, we're setting sail into the world of container orchestration. Get ready for an engaging and enlightening learning experience as we explore the following topics:

    1. Understanding the Concept and Purpose of Container Orchestration Let's start by unraveling the concept and purpose behind container orchestration. Why do we need it, and what problems does it solve?
    2. Comparing Docker Swarm and Kubernetes We'll dive into the realm of container orchestration and compare two prominent players: Docker Swarm and Kubernetes. What sets them apart, and which one should you choose?
    3. Visualising Scale-Up and Scale-Down Scaling is a crucial aspect! We'll visualise what it means to scale up and scale down in a containerised environment.
    4. Understanding the Basic Principles and Concepts of Kubernetes Kubernetes is our star! You'll grasp the fundamental principles and key concepts that make Kubernetes a powerful container orchestration platform.
    5. Getting Familiar with Common Kubectl Commands Kubectl is your command centre! You'll learn essential Kubectl commands for managing Kubernetes clusters and resources.
    6. Deploying Containerised Applications with Deployments and Services It's time to get hands-on! You'll discover how to deploy containerised applications using Kubernetes Deployments and expose them using Services.
    7. Managing Configuration, Storage, and Networking in Kubernetes Kubernetes offers robust management capabilities. You'll gain insights into how to handle configuration, storage, and networking within Kubernetes.
    8. Understanding the Difference Between Stateless and Stateful Apps Stateless or Stateful? We'll explore the distinctions between these two types of applications and the challenges you might encounter when managing them.
    9. Embarking on the Kubernetes Learning Roadmap Your Kubernetes journey continues! You'll have a roadmap for further exploration and learning in the fascinating world of Kubernetes.

    This course equips you with the knowledge and skills required to leverage Kubernetes, deploy containerised applications, and effectively manage container orchestration. Learning has never been this exciting, and the Kubernetes universe is yours to explore! Let's embark on this journey together and make it a fun and rewarding experience.

    High Availability and Auto Scaling with AWS

    Welcome to the seventeenth exciting lecture of our journey! In this course, we will unravel the mysteries of the three-tier web application architecture, practice building a high-availability three-tier architecture web application on AWS, and understand how to configure CloudFormation for rapid infrastructure creation and management. Get ready for an engaging and fun learning experience as we explore the following topics:

    1. Learning and Understanding the Three-Tier Web Application Architecture We will dive deep into the three-tier web application architecture, exploring its core principles and how it operates.
    2. Practicing Building a High-Availability Three-Tier Architecture Web Application on AWS It's time to get hands-on! We will personally construct a high-availability three-tier architecture web application on AWS, putting theory into practice.
    3. Understanding and Configuring VPC, Internet Gateway, Subnet, and Route Table We will delve into VPC, Internet Gateway, subnets, and route tables, learning how to configure them to ensure smooth network operation.
    4. Understanding and Configuring Key Pair and Security Group Security is paramount! You'll understand and configure key pairs and security groups to protect your infrastructure and applications.
    5. Understanding and Adding Load Balancers, Auto Scaling Groups, and Policies We'll add load balancers, configure Auto Scaling Groups, and define policies to ensure the availability and elasticity of your application.
    6. Understanding and Configuring Private Subnets, Route Tables, NAT, and Web Application Security Considerations Dive deep into configuring private subnets, route tables, and understand NAT and best practices for ensuring the security of your web application.
    7. Understanding and Adding Databases Databases are indispensable! We will learn how to add and configure databases to support your application's data needs.

    This course will provide you with an in-depth understanding of web application architecture, hands-on experience with AWS infrastructure, and knowledge and skills to configure and manage various key components. Learning has never been this exciting, and the world of AWS awaits your exploration! Let's embark on this journey together and create a fun and rewarding learning experience.

    DevOps High Availability
    Orchestration and High Availability - II

    Welcome to the eighteenth captivating lecture of our journey! In this course, we will dive deep into the world of high availability and explore the following exciting topics:

    1. Understanding High Availability Basics and Building Resilient Web Apps Discover the fundamental elements of high availability and learn how to craft web applications that can withstand the test of time.
    2. Exploring SLIs, SLOs, SLAs and Learn How to Set Benchmarks Uncover the concepts of Service Level Indicators (SLIs), Service Level Objectives (SLOs), and Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Learn how to set these benchmarks and compare them to common website SLAs.
    3. Delving into High Availability Architecture Design We will explore the intricacies of high availability architectural design, ensuring your applications are robust and reliable.
    4. Mastering Kubernetes Network Configuration Get a deep dive into Kubernetes network configuration. Learn to compare and apply ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, Ingress Controller, and HttpProxy for networking in Kubernetes.
    5. Understanding HPA and VPA Differences Explore the differences between Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) and Vertical Pod Autoscaling (VPA) and when to use each.
    6. Configuring and Installing Metrics-Server Hands-on practice! Configure and install the metrics-server, and get ready to put Kubernetes autoscaling into action.
    7. Leveraging Technical Components for High Availability Discover how to use technical components to enhance high availability in your systems and applications.
    8. High Availability SLA, Managing Costs, and Error Budget Analysis Learn how to define High Availability SLAs, manage costs effectively, and analyse error budgets for continuous improvement.

    This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to design, implement, and manage high-availability systems and applications. Learning has never been this exciting, and we're here to guide you on this journey of exploration and mastery. Let's make the world of high availability a thrilling adventure!

    DevOps SRE Practice
    Incident Management, Security and Compliance in DevOps

    Welcome to our thrilling twentieth lecture! In this course, we will dive into the world of incident response and explore the following engaging topics:

    1. Understanding Roles and Responsibilities in Real-World Incident Response Gain insights into the roles and responsibilities assigned in actual work environments when responding to incidents.
    2. Exploring MTTI, MTTD, MTTR, RTO, and RPO Experience firsthand how Mean Time to Investigation (MTTI), Mean Time to Detection (MTTD), Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR), Recover Time Objective (RTO), and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) are applied in practice.
    3. In-Depth Understanding of the Role of Each Phase in Incident Response Delve into the roles of detection, response, and resolution during incident occurrences.
    4. Learning How to Swiftly and Effectively Address High-Priority Incidents Discover strategies for rapidly and efficiently addressing high-priority incidents, including the use of monitoring and alerts.
    5. Exploring Common Incident Response Templates for Streamlined Issue Resolution Discuss common incident response templates that simplify the problem-solving process.
    6. Assessing the Impact of Incidents on Systems Through Real-Life Examples Evaluate the impact of incidents on systems by examining their causes, locations, and origins.
    7. Learning How to Conduct Effective Post-Incident Retrospective Analysis Discover the art of conducting effective post-incident retrospective analysis, following principles of blamelessness and root cause analysis.
    8. Deepening Learning Through Simulated Incidents Enhance your understanding by participating in simulated incident scenarios.

    This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively respond to incidents in real-world scenarios. Learning about incident response has never been this exciting—let's embark on this adventure together!


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