
Unimelb 墨尔本大学| 拯救让你头秃的 Presentation !这些衔接语句助你一臂之力~


Jessie Li

不仅要在内容上做大量研究, ppt样式也要精雕细琢~ 全部完成后, 展示当天的演讲更重中之重! (按住自己紧张颤抖的小手手…

课代表也了解到现在大部分澳洲留学生只能在国内上网课, 英文环境约等于零那这纯英pre更是压力山大!

别急别急~课代表特意整理了这份"Presentation必备衔接语句"不仅解决你的英语难题, 更是帮你理清思路的必备法宝~

1. 开场 Introduction


开场欢迎观众, 调节气氛, 同时也缓和自己的紧张情绪~

1. Hello everyone. I'm delighted to be speaking with you today.

2. Hello  and thank you all for coming. I appreciate you being here on such a rainy Monday morning.

3. Good morning/afternoon, I'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.


简单的自我介绍, 让素未谋面的大家认识一下你吧~

1. By way of an introduction, my name is xxx.

2. First of all, I am introducing myself, my name is xxx.


2. 主题 Topic



1. As you all know, l am going to be talking to you about xxx.

2. In this presentation, I am going to walk you through, some of the best practices in xxx.

4. This presentation focuses on the issue of...

5. What I am going to talk about today is...


告诉观众你后面即将要说的几个板块是什么, 这可以增强presentation内容的逻辑性, 避免内容冗杂

1. My presentation will take about xxx minutes and is divided into xxx sections. First xxx, after that xxx, then xxx, finally xxx

2. Since we only have xxx minutes to discuss the huge topic, I'm going to keep things brief.  This presentation will be divided into xxx parts which including...A, B, C...


3. 主体 Main Body


开场欢迎观众, 调节气氛, 同时也缓和自己的紧张情绪~

1. Now, l'm going to start by...

2. Now, I would like to focus on...

3. First, we're going to look at...

4. Let's start with...

5. The first problem l'd like to focus on is that of... 

6. To begin with l'd like to say a few things about... I'd like to begin by...

7. l'd like to take a minute or two to define what exactly we mean by...


1. Okay, so now l'd like to turn to my next point, which is...

2. First of all, I am introducing myself, my name is xxx.

3. Moving on,I'd like to look at...

4. Now let's turn to the issue of ...

5. My next point is regarding...


1. It must be remembered that...

2. It should be emphasized that...

3. I would like to draw your attention to this point...


1. Let me go into some more details about...

2. Let's examine xxx in more depth.

3. l'd like to elaborate on...


1. Researchers have identified three key issues here, they are...

2. Researchers have shown quite conclusively that...

3. Several recent studies, notably the ones by xxx and xxx have shown that...

4. Research suggests/indicates that...

5. One of the most interesting studies carried out in this area by xxx showed that...


1. If you look at this table/graph, you can see that...

2. The data here demonstrates/ illustrates/ shows that...

3. From this chart, we can understand that...

4. As you can see from this infographic, our research indicates that...

5. This chart demonstrates our findings of a recent experiment we undertook. This xxx represents..while the xxx stands for...


1. Now I'd like to look at some of the measures that can be taken to alleviate the problems of. In order to solve these problems, the following action should be considered: ...

2. The most significant/crucial/vital thing that should be done to combat the problem of xxx is ...

3. Other possible solutions would to be...


4. 总结 Conclusion


1. That brings me to the end of my presentation, I hope you're little cleared on...

2. To summarize the main points of my presentation...

3. In view of the evidence, I have presented.. I think it is fair to say that...

4. After all is said and done, I think we can conclude that...

5. This is clearly a very complex issue but on the strength of the evidence I would say that./ it seems that...


1.OK we're coming to the end of the presentation, so l'd just like to thank you for attention.

3. Thank you for your listening, I hope you've found this session useful.

最后课代表必须提醒大家, 点赞收藏 ≠ 会用! 大家多多练习才是王道! !





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