


在本视频中,多位来自不同行业顶尖公司的导师齐聚一堂,分享他们的职业背景与教学理念,充分展现了匠人学院 Web 全栈班的高水准师资力量。Ally 老师现任 Atlassian 软件工程师,拥有丰富的大厂开发和团队协作经验,她强调持续学习与主动探索的重要性,鼓励学员在面对新技术和高强度的项目挑战时,始终保持好奇心与求知欲。Mason 老师是 Canva 的高级软件工程师,他在前端框架及微服务架构等方面拥有深厚功底,尤其注重代码质量与工程思维的结合,帮助学员快速掌握前沿技术。来自 Rio Tinto 的 Lily 老师则以多年企业级项目实践为基础,倡导在开发过程中养成良好的工程习惯,从需求分析到代码实现都要精益求精。 与此同时,匠人学院的联合创始人 Joe 老师结合自身多年的行业与教学经验,介绍了学院在课程设计和项目实战方面的独到之处。他指出,系统化的课程、业界真实案例、以及紧密贴合企业需求的技能训练,都是帮助学员脱颖而出的关键。Ray 老师、赵龙老师、大漠穷秋老师、Tony 老师、Kitman 老师、Kevin 和 Chris 老师等,也分别阐述了自己在不同领域(如前端、后端、DevOps 或云计算)所积累的实战经验。他们共同提到,IT 行业的技术变化日新月异,唯有始终保持学习热情、主动提升技能,才能在竞争激烈的环境中保持领先。正如几位导师所言,匠人学院的课程不仅教授前沿知识,更通过导师们的亲身经历与指导,为学员打开持续成长、拥抱变革的大门。 In this video, multiple mentors from top-tier companies across various industries come together to share their professional backgrounds and teaching philosophies, showcasing the exceptional faculty of Craftsman Academy's Web Full-Stack Program. Ally, currently a Software Engineer at Atlassian, brings extensive experience in large-scale development and team collaboration. She emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and proactive exploration, encouraging students to maintain curiosity and a thirst for knowledge when faced with new technologies and challenging projects. Mason, a Senior Software Engineer at Canva, has profound expertise in front-end frameworks and microservices architecture. He focuses on the integration of code quality and engineering thinking, helping students quickly master cutting-edge technologies. Lily, from Rio Tinto, draws on years of enterprise-level project experience and advocates for cultivating good engineering habits throughout the development process, from requirements analysis to code implementation, striving for excellence at every step. At the same time, Joe, the co-founder of Craftsman Academy, combines his years of industry and teaching experience to highlight the unique aspects of the academy's curriculum and hands-on projects. He points out that a systematic curriculum, real-world industry cases, and skill training closely aligned with enterprise needs are key factors that help students stand out. Additionally, instructors such as Ray, Zhao Long, Desert Eagle, Tony, Kitman, Kevin, and Chris share their practical experiences across various fields, including front-end, back-end, DevOps, and cloud computing. They collectively stress that the fast-paced evolution of technology in the IT industry requires maintaining a passion for learning and actively enhancing skills to stay ahead in a competitive environment. As the mentors emphasize, Craftsman Academy’s courses not only impart cutting-edge knowledge but also, through the mentors’ personal experiences and guidance, open doors for students to embrace continuous growth and adapt to change.


AI Web全栈班26期.NET方向

start2025/04/01 08:30 (Sydney)


start2025/04/13 07:02 (Sydney)


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